control cotton seeds oil production plant in nigeria

control cotton seeds oil production plant in nigeria
  • control cotton seeds oil production plant in nigeria
  • Why do we use cottonseed oil?
  • As Upland cotton production was expanded from the United States to other countries, the use of cottonseed oil for food and protein for animal feed became common in all the cotton growing areas in the world.
  • Can cottonseed be used as a biofuel?
  • As a byproduct in cotton production, cottonseed has excellent potential for use as a source of sustainable, high quality vegetable oil, biofuel and proteins because of its abundance that is expected to grow as the demand for cotton fiber continues to increase.
  • Will increasing oil content affect cottonseed value & sustainability?
  • Research efforts to increase the oil content of cottonseed, which will most likely also decrease the level of protein, will actually have a positive impact on cottonseed value and sustainability metrics due to being able to reduce the level of fertilizer (mainly supplemental nitrogen) applied to the plant to support protein production in the seed.
  • Is there a genetic improvement in oil accumulation of cottonseed?
  • However, the genetic improvement in oil accumulation of cottonseed is constrained by the rather limited variation among the elite Upland cotton (G. hirsutum) cultivars and lines as the result of extensive selection within the species toward improving lint yield and quality.