starting a mini soya oil making business in turkmenistan

starting a mini soya oil making business in turkmenistan
  • starting a mini soya oil making business in turkmenistan
  • How to start a soybean oil production business?
  • In starting a soybean oil production business, location plays a most important role. You must establish the unit near the soybean growing areas to minimize transportation costs. Also, ensure the availability of necessary infrastructure, such as water and electricity. 4. Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits
  • How to start a soy milk production business?
  • You can start the soy milk production business with moderate capital investment. Also, flavored soy milk has a great market. Apart from only milk production, you can also produce paneer, tofu, etc. from soy milk. #3. Soy Sauce Soy sauce is a fermented soybean product. It is a popular taste enhancer.
  • How to start a soy sauce manufacturing business?
  • The soy sauce manufacturing process is simple. Besides, you can initiate a soy sauce-making business with moderate capital investment. Some of the major required raw materials are soy flour, salt, baking soda, vinegar, preservatives, etc. #4.
  • How to start a soybean oil extraction unit?
  • You can start the soybean oil extraction unit on a medium and large-scale basis. It is advisable to start the production unit with the financial help of the bank. Also, this business demands permission from the Pollution Control Board.