20t 200t seedeed oil production line in tanzania

20t 200t seedeed oil production line in tanzania
  • 20t 200t seedeed oil production line in tanzania
  • What is the demand gap for edible oil in Tanzania?
  • Much of the demand gap is currently met by imported edible oil (60% across all edible oils, 55-70% for sunflower oil) (Salisali, 2017). The GoT wants to reduce Tanzania¡¯s dependence on imported edible oil by boosting domestic oil seed production and downstream oil processing capacity.
  • What is the demand gap for edible oil in TZ?
  • Despite strong growth in sunflower seed production, the level of edible oil processing in TZ is low compared to prevailing demand (est. at 300,000 ¨C 400,000 tons a year). Much of the demand gap is currently met by imported edible oil (60% across all edible oils, 55-70% for sunflower oil) (Salisali, 2017).
  • How can the got reduce Tanzania's dependence on imported edible oil?
  • The GoT wants to reduce Tanzania¡¯s dependence on imported edible oil by boosting domestic oil seed production and downstream oil processing capacity. In 2016 the GoT implemented a 10% tariff on imports of CPO as one mechanism to support this objective, but stakeholder views on the merits of the tariff policy are mixed.
  • What challenges are facing the edible oil industry in Tanzania?
  • While early developments in the edible oils industry in Tanzania are promising, particularly in sunflower oil production, a few challenges have emerged in the value/production chain. These, in turn, present opportunities moving forward: Current lack of seed and working capital means processors are at 45% capacity in-season and 5% off-season.
  • Does Tanzania produce sunflower oil?
  • However, the country has a large and growing refined sunflower oil industry that can substitute these imports. Sunflower oil comprises 83% of total edible oils produced in Tanzania but meets only 30% of demand. Sunflower farmer in Tanzania
  • Should SMEs invest in edible oils in Tanzania?
  • In particular, the team found that large Tanzanian companies are well positioned to make this investment; investors can source raw materials from local SMEs, which would experience higher productivity from rising demand. In late 2017, the USAID team designed a three-phase feasibility study for the edible oils sector.