feasibility study for a castor oil production line in uzbekistan

feasibility study for a castor oil production line in uzbekistan
  • feasibility study for a castor oil production line in uzbekistan
  • Can castor oil be produced from two different Castor hybrids?
  • Using a case study approach, the work presents results of the environmental impact assessment and economic feasibility of the production of castor oil from two different castor hybrids comparing four by-products management scenarios and two harvesting systems (manual vs. mechanical).
  • What drives the growth of the Global castor oil market?
  • This is one of the essential elements which is driving the growth of the worldwide castor oil market. The research focused on the evaluation of the environmental and economic sustainability of two different castor hybrids (C-856 and C-1030) comparing manual and mechanical harvesting methods, and by-product management.
  • Can biodiesel be produced by transesterification of castor oil?
  • However, the results of this study showed that the production of biodiesel from the castor oil by transesterification with fossil-based methanol is more economically profitable. In other words, there is a trade-off between economic aspects of the process and environmental issues.
  • Can castor be used as a biorefinery in Iran?
  • In this study, Iran is selected as a place for the biorefinery, where fossil fuel resources and methanol are widely available. However, the area has water shortages and is dealing with severe environmental impacts. Therefore, castor, as a low water demanding plant that can be cultivated in wastewater, is used.