yellow production line corn germ oil press production line

yellow production line corn germ oil press production line
  • yellow production line corn germ oil press production line
  • What is corn germ oil processing by-products?
  • Corn (Zea mays L.) is one of the most relevant and cultivated cereals. During the processing of corn, especially in obtaining edible oil, large quantities of by-products are generated, called corn germ oil processing by-products. In this sense, this chapter provides...
  • What is corn oil?
  • Corn oil, produced by solvent extraction or pressing, is a type of high-quality vegetable oil containing polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) . Although corn has great industrial potential, its grains are rich in starch and oil . Fatty acids found in corn are found in the germ with a value of approximately 85% .
  • Which extraction method has the highest yield in corn germs?
  • In both corn germs, the UAE extracts showed the highest yields (about 12%), followed by the extracts obtained by alkaline hydrolysis + sonication (about 5%) and by alkaline hydrolysis (about 3%). Enzymatic hydrolysis was the extraction method with lower yields (less than 1%) in both corn germs.
  • What are the characteristics of corn oil processing by-product?
  • In general, it is verified that corn oil processing by-product has a dry matter content of 89.0%, crude protein around 10.6%, the crude fiber of 4.6%, ether extract close to 1.34%, in addition to calcium, phosphorus, several amino acids such as methionine, lysine, and tryptophan [22, 23, 24].