appropriate scales mid range oil palm production line in indonesia

appropriate scales mid range oil palm production line in indonesia
  • appropriate scales mid range oil palm production line in indonesia
  • How to promote sustainable oil palm production in Indonesia?
  • Sustainable oil palm production in Indonesia could be promoted by raising productivity via intensification and technological progresses, enforcing current policies and regulations and extending them to secondary forest and peatland, facilitating infrastructure development, and providing economic incentives.
  • What are the different palm oil production profiles?
  • For this analysis, we aggregated the palm oil production data into four independent production profiles: active smallholder plantations, active industrial plantations, unproductive (damaged) plantations and unproductive (but possibly replanted) plantations.
  • What is the global Indonesian palm oil footprint?
  • In response to an increase in Indonesian palm oil production, the global Indonesian palm oil footprint (PF) also increased from 7.7 to 30.0 Mt/yr. Figure 1 illustrates the composition of the global Indonesian PF in 2013 for each oil type and final demand. Composition of the global Indonesian palm oil footprint in 2013.
  • Why is Indonesian oil palm demand rising?
  • Therefore, the trend of rising demand for oil palm products from Indonesia is expected to continue even if there are growing movements boycotting Indonesian oil palm products due to concerns about the threats to environmental conservation.