50tpd canola/rapeseed oil processing plant setup in zimbabwe
  • 50tpd canola/rapeseed oil processing plant setup in zimbabwe
  • What is zimgold oil?
  • ZimGold Oil Industries (Pvt) Ltd, a subsidiary of ETG, has launched a ground-breaking development initiative in Zimbabwe to promote sustainable farming practices and boost the country’s economy. ZimGold is involved in the extraction of edible oils from soybeans and sunflower seeds. Its flagship brand is ZimGold Cooking Oil.
  • Where did canola come from?
  • Canola was bred from rapeseed cultivars of B. napus and B. rapa at the University of Manitoba, Canada, by Keith Downey and Baldur R. Stefansson in the early 1970s, having then a different nutritional profile than present-day oil in addition to much less erucic acid.
  • How is canola oil made?
  • Canola oil is made at a processing facility by slightly heating and then crushing the seed. Almost all commercial canola oil is then extracted using hexane solvent, which is recovered at the end of processing.
  • What is canola oil?
  • Canola oil is a food-grade version derived from rapeseed cultivars specifically bred for low acid content.