Canola farming in Kenya it is grown in large scale in Mau Narok, Timau, Endebess, Njoro and parts of central Kenya. Canola can either be sold to processors or growers can set up light industries locally for processing the oil. Market for the oil is readily available due to its high quality. The by-product can also sold as a livestock feed.
How much canola oil is produced in South Africa?
Approximately 300 000 to 350 000 tons of plant oils are produced in South Africa and the balance is imported, primarily as sunflower oil and soya oil. The biggest sales point for canola in the Western Cape is the industrial market because of its good emulsifying characteristics.
Does South Africa Import canola?
Currently, South Africa imports more than half its oil and oilcake requirements from other countries every year. Each year for the past six years, more than 70 % of the oilcake requirements have been imported. The production of canola in South Africa is usually lower than the demand and favourable prices could be achieved.
Is canola a new crop in South Africa?
Canola is a relatively new crop in South Africa. In 1992/93, only 400 tones canola grain was produced, compared with 41 000 in 2003/2004, 38 150 in 2007/2008, 57 340 tones in 2011/12, 79 000 tones in 2013/2014 and 1690 375 tones in 2015. Currently, South Africa imports more than half its oil and oilcake requirements from other countries every year.