Is Farm phase a hotspot in canola edible oil production system?
The results show that farm phase is the hotspot in canola edible oil production system wherein emissions arising from the use of fertilizers and diesel fuel consumption in farm operations make major contribution to GW, AC, and EU impact categories.
Is canola oil production going up in Canada?
Canola oil production is expected to increase over the longer-term in Canada, especially as the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) trade agreement brings down tariff rates in key markets, like Japan and Vietnam.
How are canola grains transported from farms to oil factory?
Produced canola grains are transported from farms to the oil factory by 10-ton trucks. The transportation distance is computed considering approximate locations of farms and the factory. All emissions related to transportation are computed by using Ecoinvent 3.2 database.
Does WA have a canola Crusher?
A 2020 WA Government report says the Pinjarra facility had been crushing 65,000t of canola a year to produce 25,000t of oil for export, with meal sold into the stockfeed sector. WA¡¯s only other volume canola crusher is Alba Edible Oils, which owns and operates the Aus Oils plant at Kojonup.