Canola oil is extracted from rapeseed and consumed all over the world due to its valuable ingredients [ 1 ]. It has a low amount of saturated and a substantial amount of monounsaturated fats with roughly 2:1 mono to polyunsaturated fatty acids [ 2 ].
Does Mali have oil?
The country does not have domestic crude oil production or a refinery. Mali’s consumption of fuel products is entirely met through imports, mainly from Senegal and Niger. Oil product imports have tripled since 2010, reaching 1.9 Mt in 2021. In September 2022, Niger stopped exporting oil products to Mali.
How is canola oil extracted?
Canola oil is extracted by slightly heating the crushed canola seeds dissolved in the hexane solvent or by cold press method [ 4 ]. Finally, it is refined using water precipitation and organic acid to remove gums and free fatty acids, filtering to remove color, and deodorizing using steam distillation [ 4 ].
What are the emission bands in canola oil?
The emission bands at 375, 525 and 673 nm that represent vitamin E/beta-carotene and chlorophyll, are present only in canola oil samples extracted by chemical and cold press methods and absolutely absent from all commercial brands.