Can intensification incentivize further expansion in the Congo Basin palm oil sector?
from intensification can ultimately incentivize further expansion. nuanced. Research suggests that technology-driven intensification, are in place (Byerlee et al. 2014). encouraging sustainability in the Congo Basin palm oil sector.
How does the Congo basin affect zero-deforestation?
In the Congo Basin, local. This has implications for zero-deforestation strategies. industrial milling facilities. The vast majority of palm oil mills across manual to fully mechanized systems. As a result, many mills and and private companies. Given the prolific role of non-industrial mill, let alone any company¡¯s jurisdiction (Figure 3).
Does Chevron work in the Republic of Congo?
Chevron is a strong and consistent member of the community. We have made social investments in the Republic of Congo for more than 20 years. In the Republic of Congo, Chevron has a 31.5 percent nonoperated working interest in the offshore Haute Mer permit areas (Nkossa, Nsoko and Moho Bilondo).
Who makes Castrol lubricants?
Castrol Limited is a British oil company that markets industrial and automotive lubricants, offering a wide range of oil, greases and similar products for most lubrication applications.