PRESS LINE FARMER 20 FARMER 20 is a complete system for oil seed cold presses with a connected filtration. These are primarily the following oil seeds such as rapeseed, sunflower, flax and other oil seeds (e.g. jathropa, hemp, mustard, poppy seeds, artichoke, evening primrose, sea buckthorn, grape seeds, and also coconut pulp, …).
Where are our oil presses made?
In our meticulously curated selection of oil presses, we present you with a comprehensive range of high-end press machines, crafted in Germany and featuring the latest cold press technology to meet the highest standards. Our oil presses are made from sturdy stainless steel to ensure lasting performance and maximum efficiency.
What is a cold press olive oil machine?
They are machines for extracting oil from all seeds. Models suitable for beginner and medium users. They are suitable models for those who want to produce organic cold press olive oil suitable for small and medium-sized olive farms. They are models suitable for factories and professional users
What can you do with oil press machines?
You can set up your own business with our Oil Press Machines and produce oil, cosmetics, organic foods in your home or shop. With our models suitable for your factory and laboratory, you can develop your business and produce in high tonnages. They are machines for extracting oil from all seeds. Models suitable for beginner and medium users.