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  • How to promote sustainable cooking fuels in Ghana?
  • Energy policies such as the National Energy Policy, Energy Sector Strategy and Development Plan, Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda I &II, Renewable Energy Masterplan, and many more have strategized for the promotion of sustainable cooking fuels for households.
  • Are cooking fuels available in Ghana?
  • The review therefore proceeds by looking at the general state of demand and supply of cooking fuels in Ghana before critically assessing the cooking energy services in the various energy and environmental policies in Ghana.
  • How do cooking practices and cooking fuels differ across households in Ghana?
  • Cooking practices and cooking fuels consumed differ across households in Ghana. Generally, most of the staple foods in Ghana are consumed throughout the country although certain staples are associated to specific communities, tribes and ethnic groups. The types of cooking fuels and stoves used by households in Ghana also differ.
  • Why is LPG used as a cooking fuel in Ghana?
  • LPG was introduced as cooking fuel by the government to the Ghanaian communities in 1989 to encourage households shift from the use of biomass to cleaner cooking fuels (Serwaa et al., 2015). LPG as a clean energy source is beneficial as it is void of all the health hazards posed by traditional cooking fuels.