At present, many oil factories use the pressing method for oil recovery from corn germs although the obtained oil yield is only 65% . To achieve higher oil yields, the treatment of the seeds before pressing and pressing followed by solvent extraction has been used.
What are the methods used for extraction of maize (Zea mays L) germ oil?
Methods used for extraction of maize ( Zea mays L.) germ oil – a review The composition of corn oil obtained by the alcohol extraction of ground corn Sequential extraction processing of flaked whole corn: alternative corn fractional technology for ethanol production Corn oil production process.
How to extract oil from corn germ?
Various organic solvents and water have been used for the extraction of corn germ oil. The most common commercial process for obtaining oil from corn germ is extraction by n -hexane because of its high extraction efficiency and low process cost.
What is the difference between n hexane extraction and corn germ oil recovery?
Using this method, the obtained corn oil yield is greater than 90% of the oil content, whereas the oil yield obtained by n- hexane extraction is only 72%. The additional advantage of this process is the adsorption of the moisture from ethanol by the flaked corn, thus allowing the production of > 99% ethanol. 4.2. Corn germ oil recovery