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Which extraction method has the highest yield in corn germs?
In both corn germs, the UAE extracts showed the highest yields (about 12%), followed by the extracts obtained by alkaline hydrolysis + sonication (about 5%) and by alkaline hydrolysis (about 3%). Enzymatic hydrolysis was the extraction method with lower yields (less than 1%) in both corn germs.
What is corn oil extraction plant?
Corn oil extraction plant extracts corn germ from corn and produces corn germ oil by solvent extraction method. The corn oil production line includes corn germ extraction process, corn germ pretreatment and prepressing process, corn germ cake solvent extraction process and crude corn germ oil refining process.
What is the corn oil production line?
The corn oil production line includes corn germ extraction process, corn germ pretreatment and prepressing process, corn germ cake solvent extraction process and crude corn germ oil refining process. Corn oil extraction plant is suitable for large-scale corn oil production.
What is corn germ oil processing by-products?
Corn (Zea mays L.) is one of the most relevant and cultivated cereals. During the processing of corn, especially in obtaining edible oil, large quantities of by-products are generated, called corn germ oil processing by-products. In this sense, this chapter provides…