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However, the large industrial dry- and wet-milling operations (see Chapters 15 and 18Chapter 15Chapter 18) generate large amounts of germ which is commonly channeled to the oil crushing or animal feedstock industries. The germ represents between 9% and 11% of the kernel weight and contains about 80% of the lipids found in the whole kernel.
What is corn germ oil?
Most of the commercial corn oil is extracted from the germ and this is commonly known as ¡°corn germ oil.¡± The germ from wet-milling operations (see Chapter 18) is recovered with up to 50% oil, which must be quickly processed because of its low microbiological and chemical stability.
How to extract oil from corn germ during flour processing?
This work aimed the recovery of oil and protein fractions from corn germ (CG) generated as a by-product during flour processing. Several oil extraction techniques were investigated: hexane at room temperature, hexane at 45 °C, supercritical carbon dioxide (Sc-CO 2) and Soxhlet with hexane and ethanol.
What is solvent extraction of corn germ?
Solvent extraction of corn germ is the process of greater industrial use because it allows the effective extraction of practically all the corn oil leaving a defatted germ meal with less than 1% residual oil.