Food grade, fully refined corn oil in bulk is often shipped from refinery to food manufacturer in highway tankers, depending on the quan- tity and distance. Smaller quan- tities of corn oil are shipped from refinery or repacker to the user in drums or cans. Larger quantities, which are shipped for export, are carried by ocean- going parcel tankers.
Why are co-products from corn refining important?
Co-products from corn refining make important contributions to livestock feeds. Production of high- quality corn oil increases in direct proportion to the growing volume of corn going to starch, sweetener, ethanol and bioproduct production, and the oil has found a unique and special place among edible oils.
What are the residues and byproducts of corn oil refining?
The residues and byproducts from corn oil refining amount to 8 to 10 percent of the crude oil entering the process. The bulk of these residues are in the form of soapstock, which contains the neutralized free fatty acids and phosphati- des.
Does a corn refinement plant grind corn?
* Specialty corn-based refinement facilities. Plants do not grind corn. Locations of Corn Refiners Association member companies.