How many metric tons of cotton seed cake can Zambia produce?
At an annual average national production of 160,000 metric tons of seed cotton Zambia has the potential to produce 72,000 metric tons of cotton seed cake annually. Risks applying to the development of cotton seed oil in Zambia stated above also apply to the development of cotton seed cake.
How much edible oil can Zambia produce from cotton seed?
Potentially Zambia can produce 18,750 metric tons of edible oil from cotton seed per annum. Assuming a national annual seed cotton production of 275,000 metric tons at 57% seed weight, less 20% planting seed and at 15% oil content. The 18,750 metric tons of edible oil is worth US$ 12,187,500 at US$650 per metric ton.
Who owns the cotton seed in Zambia?
Currently all the cotton seed produced in Zambia, about 90,000 metric tons annually, is owned by the ginners who have exercised monopoly control over it. For any investment to succeed, the stable, reliable and cheap supply of raw materials is crucial.
How to develop cotton by-products in Zambia?
In order to develop cotton by-products in Zambia it is important to assess the economic viability of the by-products industry which requires an evaluation of the market conditions. This will include the assessment of the availability of adequate and good quality raw materials and the market potential of the products.