The vegetable oil is produced in the Makueni agri-hub, the pressing plant opened by the company in July 2022 and that actually processes castor, croton and cotton seeds.
Why is Kenya focusing on Bt cotton?
The Kenyan government, through its Big Four Action Plan, is banking on Bt cotton to create 50,000 jobs and generate Sh20 billion in apparel export earnings per year. Cotton production has remained very low due to numerous challenges in the country, key among them pests and low quality seed.
What is Bt cotton in Kenya?
Frequently Asked Questions on Bt Cotton in Kenya The Kenyan government has identified cotton as a key driver towards expansion of the manufacturing sector, one of the Big Four Action Plan. Cotton is a multi-purpose crop with lint and seeds being the principal products.
What is Bt cotton seed used for?
In India for example, Bt cotton seed has been used in form of edible oils and de-oiled cake as animal feed. The de-oiled cake contributes one- third of the country¡¯s total demand for animal feed, whereas approximately 14% of the total edible oil produced for human consumption is from cotton oil.