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Which edible oil plant has the highest oil content?
Oil-seed camellia, oil palm, olive, and coconut (Cocos nucifera) are the four well-known woody edible oil plants in the world, as they possess a high oil content. Among bulk herbaceous edible oils, the unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) are the highest, approaching 80%, in peanut oil and rapeseed oil.
Who is premium Edible Oils Limited (PEOPL)?
Premium Edible Oils Limited (PEOPL) a subsidiary of the FMN Agro-Allied division is one of Nigeria¡¯s largest processor and refiner of crude palm oil, palm kernel and soybean. PEOPL is known for consistently producing a range of high-quality edible oil consumer products which include – Golden Penny Vegetable Oil, Soya Oil, Spread and Margarine.
What edible oil products does Pepl produce?
PEOPL is known for consistently producing a range of high-quality edible oil consumer products which include – Golden Penny Vegetable Oil, Soya Oil, Spread and Margarine. We also produce other edible oil & industrial fat derivatives for manufacturing purposes.
Which edible oil plants are used for EPO production?
Additionally, many woody plants are also used for EPO production (Table 2). Oil-seed camellia, oil palm, olive, and coconut (Cocos nucifera) are the four well-known woody edible oil plants in the world, as they possess a high oil content.