The Government supplies edible oil through its Public Distribution Shops. Nowadays, big oil mills go for largescale production and reap the economies of scale of production. The profit in largescale units attracts many new firms to the market. The existing small firms are unable to compete with the large firms in marketing their products.
What is a small scale edible oil production line?
This is a complete cooking oil processing line an excellent option for producing optimize edible oils. This small scale edible oil production line can also be equipped with other kinds of equipment such as seed hulling / husking machine, crushing machine, oil filling machine and oil refining machine if required.
Who makes edible oil refining equipment & services?
With a focus on quality and advanced technology, they provide comprehensive equipment and services for refining edible oils. The N&T management team is composed of experts with more than 40 years of expertise in the manufacturing of edible oil refinery machinery and equipment.
How edible oil can be produced from different types of oil seeds?
The overall plant system is designed with especial features that enable the production of edible oil from various types of oil seeds such as Niger seed, soybean, cotton seed, and sunflower. The technology selected offers greater opportunity to produce edible oils from any of the given oil seeds variety based on the prevailing market situation.