Saudi Arabia seeks to begin exporting natural gas as part of Vision 2030. 23 According to a 2016 analysis of Vision 2030¡¯s natural gas development plans, Jadwa Investments estimates that average year-over-year increases in production will need to exceed 6.6% between 2020 and 2029 for Saudi Arabia to viably export natural gas. 24
How many grades of crude oil does Saudi Arabia produce?
Saudi Arabia produces five grades of crude oil: Arabian Heavy, Arabian Medium, Arabian Light, Arabian Extra Light, and Arabian Super Light. In general, the majority of Saudi Arabia¡¯s crude oil is considered sour because its sulfur content is greater than 1%. 10
Does Saudi Arabia have oil-fired power?
Increased electricity demand during the summer months in Saudi Arabia drove oil-fired power generation (crude oil and fuel oil) up 9% year over year, increasing from 1.0 million b/d in 2021 to 1.1 million b/d in 2022. 27 Oil-fired power generation supplements Saudi Arabia¡¯s natural gas-fired power to help meet demand for electricity.
How much natural gas does Saudi Arabia produce in 2022?
Associated natural gas production in Saudi Arabia changes alongside increases or decreases in crude oil production, and it was 52% of Saudi Arabia¡¯s total natural gas production in 2022. 18 Saudi Arabia flared 66 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of associated natural gas in 2022 at an average intensity of 17 cubic feet per barrel (cf/b) of oil produced.