groundnut oil production plant in russia

groundnut oil production plant turnkey projects in russia
  • groundnut oil production plant turnkey projects in russia
  • Where do groundnuts grow?
  • Groundnut can be grown in a wide range of temperate and humid regions, but maximum production comes from the semiarid tropics. Optimum temperature ranges between 20 and 30o C; productivity is limited below 16o C and above 32o C.
  • How much oil does a groundnut kernel contain?
  • Groundnut kernels contain 47-53% oil and 25-36% protein. The crop is cultivated between 40oN to 40oS of the equator. Groundnut is a self po llinated crop whereby flowers are produced above ground and, after fertilization, pegs move towards the soil, and seed-containing pods are formed and developed underneath the soil.
  • Does groundnut oil contain oleic acid?
  • Groundnut oil includes about eight major fatty acids; however, oleic acid is the most important because of commercial demands and health benefits. In the present investigation, high and significant variation was observed for oleic acid among genotypes.
  • What is the average productivity of groundnut in Asia?
  • The average productivity of groundnut in Asia is 1739 kg/ha. In India the important groundnut growing states are Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan. The crop is grown in all three seasons: rainy, post-rainy, and during summer months.