In double cropping system, mustard is generally grown after pearl millet or cluster beans or pulses. In some places pearl millet is taken as a third crop after harvest of mustard under assured irrigation conditions. Mustard is also grown as an inter-crop and mixed crop with wheat, potato, sugarcane, peas an gram in India.
Which state produces the most mustard in India?
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat constitute 90 percent of production in the country. Rajasthan alone contribute almost half of the mustard production in the country. There are six hot spots where mustard production is concentrated (65%). 5. Marketing of Rapeseed-Mustard in India
How much rapeseed mustard is produced in India?
The normal area and production of rapeseed-mustard in India is 6.27 million hectares and 6.67 million metric tonnes, respectively with a productivity of 1063 kilogram per hectare. Between 1949-50 and 2007-08, the compound growth of area, production and productivity of rapeseed-mustard was 1.96 %, 4.10 % and 2.1 % , respectively.
What percentage of India eats rapeseed-mustard oil?
During the last one decade, Rapeseed-Mustard oil constituted about 17 percent of total edible consumed in India and it accounts for one third (35 %) of the domestic edible oil production in the country followed by groundnut (30 %) and soybean (22%) .