Did a shell containing mustard gas contain a chemical agent?
While initial tests suggested that the rounds contained a blister agent, subsequent analysis by American and Danish experts showed that no chemical agent was present. On May 2, 2004, a shell containing mustard gas was found in the middle of a street west of Baghdad.
Why did Iran use mustard gas in 1984?
The United Nations reported many similar attacks occurred the following year, leading Iran to develop and deploy a mustard gas capability. By 1984, Iraq was using poison gas with great effectiveness against Iranian "human wave" attacks.
How many tons of mustard gas did Germany send to Iraq?
German firms sent 1,027 tons of precursors of mustard gas, sarin, tabun, and tear gasses in all. This work allowed Iraq to produce 150 tons of mustard agent and 60 tons of Tabun in 1983 and 1984 respectively, continuing throughout the decade. Five other German firms supplied equipment to manufacture botulin toxin and mycotoxin for germ warfare.
Was Saddam Hussein still building weapons?
In the early 2000s, U.S. President George W. Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair both asserted that Saddam Hussein’s weapons programs were still actively building weapons and that large stockpiles of WMDs were hidden in Iraq.