To make its palm oil alternative, C16 Biosciences uses a wild type yeast microbe that makes a functional equivalent to palm oil with a kind of fermentation process. And fermentation ¡ª which is what has been used to make wine, beer and cheese for ages ¡ª is a ¡°really, really robust, scalable process,¡± Heller said.
How much is the global palm oil market worth in 2021?
The global palm oil market was valued at $63.7 billion in 2021 is expected to continue to grow to reach $98.9 billion in 2030, according to a report published in May from Grand View Research, a global market research firm. That¡¯s because palm oil is relatively inexpensive and ¡°so damn good at what it does,¡± Ticku said.
Where does palm oil grow best?
Palm oil grows best in the regions right around the equator, so palm oil producers chop down rainforest and clear that felled vegetation by burning it, making it a prime target of conservation organizations like the Rainforest Rescue and the World Wildlife Fund.
What makes palm oil so dangerous?
Part of what makes palm oil so dangerous is its ubiquity: It¡¯s found in more than half of the packaged products Americans use, including ice cream, lipstick, soaps and detergents, according to the World Wildlife Fund.