Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) may differ. The overall characteristics of raw POME and the regulatory discharge limits are presented Table 1. POME is produced from various processing units in an oil mill industry blowing down, tank and decanters. The four primary stages categorized by Sethupathi
Can palm oil mill effluent be used to produce biogas?
Using palm oil mill effluent (POME) to produce biogas is an alternative and sustainable way to control POME GHG emissions while also providing economic benefits. The increasing area of oil palm plantations encourages an increase in palm oil production and the generation of POME in Indonesia.
Is there a trade-off between palm oil mill effluent generation and elimination?
Trade-off evaluation between palm oil mill effluent generation and elimination. Multi-objective optimisation framework and model for sustainable palm oil complex. Optimum flowsheets for different multi-objective concerns are provided. Feed-in-tariff rate requires improvement to encourage biogas recovery.
What is the palm oil milling process?
The Palm Oil Milling process at our mills, follow a proven system that ensures high efficiency and quality of the final products. These mills comprises of several modern facilities and equipment for processing Palm fruits. Our mills produce 6 different end products namely: The CPO produced at our mill meets the standard for: