palm oil pressing plant in sudan

establish palm oil pressing plant in sudan
  • establish palm oil pressing plant in sudan
  • Why is palm oil important?
  • Palm oil formed the basis of soap products, such as Lever Brothers’ (now Unilever) "Sunlight", and B. J. Johnson Company’s (now Colgate-Palmolive) "Palmolive," and by around 1870, palm oil constituted the primary export of some West African countries. In 1780, Carl Wilhelm Scheele demonstrated that fats were derived from glycerol.
  • How much oil does Sudan produce a day?
  • In 2021, its oil fields produced 59,000 barrels per day (bpd). The Sudan Oil Refinery has the capacity to refine 90-95,000 bpd. The Sudanese government also receives an in-kind royalty payment of 14,000 bpd from the government of South Sudan for oil pipeline transit rights to Port Sudan. Sudan¡¯s oil sector suffers from years of underinvestment.
  • How can Sudan improve its oil sector?
  • Sudan¡¯s oil sector suffers from years of underinvestment. The sector¡¯s productive capacity could be boosted with the introduction of improved technology, staff capacity building, and modernization of existing physical plants.
  • Who controls Sudan’s oil & gas sector?
  • Government-owned Sudapet and SudaGas are the entities controlling Sudan¡¯s oil and gas sector, but the leadership at these companies has been replaced several times since 2019. Additionally, the government¡¯s lack of financial resources means it if often cannot pay contractors nor purchase new equipment.