NGOs working in the area noted that investments are pouring into the industry and many smaller mills are beginning to emerge across rural Ghana. With the increased demand for palm oil, companies are contracting smallholders who fall in their catchment area into their production.
How is oil palm production organized in Ghana?
The oil palm production in Ghana is organized along three main systems: (a) a nucleus-smallholder system (approximately 2 percent of all smallholders); (b) outgrower farmers (approximately 28 percent of all smallholders); and (c) independent smallholder farmers (private farmers, approximately 70 percent of all smallholders).
How can the palm oil industry be sustainable in Ghana?
In Ghana, sustainable development of the palm oil industry is also contingent upon appropriate policy measures and institutional frameworks that regulate voluntary standards and provide governance structures that set clear rules and incentives for compliance (Kaphengst et al. 2009).
What is Ghana Oil palm development company (gopdc)?
Ghana Oil Palm Development Company (GOPDC) owns and manages approximately 20 500 hectares (ha) of oil palm plantation in this district, divided between Kwae and Okumaning estates. The Kwaebibirem District includes both large-scale, outgrower schemes linked with large producers/processors and smallholders selling onto the local market.