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  • Which country exports the most palm oil in the world?
  • Of the 60 million tonnes of oils and fats exported around the world, palm oil and palm kernel oil made up close to 60%; Malaysia, with 45% of the market share, dominated the palm oil trade. Production of palm oil that complies with voluntary sustainability standards is growing at a faster rate than conventional production.
  • How has palm oil production changed since the 1960s?
  • Palm oil production has increased rapidly since the 1960s. Between 1970 and 2020, the world¡¯s production of palm oil increased by about 40 times. Global production went from only 2 million tonnes to around 80 million tonnes. The change in global production is shown in the chart.3
  • Is palm oil a commodity?
  • The story of palm oil is less about it as an isolated commodity and more about the rising demand for vegetable oils. Palm oil is a very productive crop; as we will see later, it produces over a third of the world¡¯s oil but uses less than a tenth of croplands devoted to oil production. It has, therefore, been a natural choice to meet this demand.
  • Where does palm oil come from?
  • In the map, we see the distribution of production across the world. Small amounts of palm oil are grown in many countries, but the global market is dominated by only two: Indonesia and Malaysia. In the chart, we see the production of the palm oil plant across a number of countries. Other producers include Thailand, Colombia, and Nigeria.