Why did tepma1 declare force majeure in Mozambique?
Considering the evolution of the security situation in the north of the Province of Cabo Delgado, in Mozambique, we confirm the withdrawal from Afungi of all personnel from the Mozambique LNG Project. This situation leads TotalEnergies EP Mozambique Area 1, Lda. (TEPMA1), as operator of the Mozambique LNG Project, to declare force majeure.
What are the non-energy uses of oil in Mozambique?
Many of the petroleum products made from oil have non-energy uses, notably asphalt, engine lubricants and raw materials for making plastics. In Mozambique, around 40% of people have access to electricity, through the grid or mini/off-grid systems.
Did Mozambique import crude oil?
Mozambique did not import crude oil. Oil accounts for the second largest share of CO2 emissions globally, primarily in the transport sector where, despite recent exponential growth in EV sales, the vast majority of cars, trucks, ships and aircraft are still powered by oil-based fuels burned in internal combustion engines.
What is the Mozambique LNG project?
The information contained on this website will be updated as new developments occur. The Mozambique LNG Project began with the discovery of a vast amount of natural gas off the north coast of Mozambique in 2010, leading to a Final Investment Decision of US$20 billion in 2019.