setting up a small peanut oil mill plant in saudi arabia
  • setting up a small peanut oil mill plant in saudi arabia
how to start mini peanut oil mill plant in saudi arabia
  • how to start mini peanut oil mill plant in saudi arabia
  • How old is Saudi Arabia’s oldest oil processing facility?
  • It provides around 5% of global oil supplies and stabilizes half of Saudi Arabia¡¯s daily oil production. However, at 70 years old, it is also our oldest oil processing facility. This naturally presented a few challenges on its journey toward becoming more digitalized ¡ª a process essential to maintaining peak performance.
  • How is digitalization transforming Saudi Arabia’s oil industry?
  • Abqaiq Plants, the oldest oil processing plant in Saudi Arabia, has harnessed the power of digitalization to enhance its operations; utilizing robotics, artificial intelligence, data analytics, and IIoT.
  • Why is the Arabian Peninsula unsuitable for agriculture?
  • Most of the Arabian Peninsula is unsuited to agriculture, making irrigation and land reclamation projects essential. The narrow coastal plain and isolated oases, amounting to less than 1% of the land area, are used to cultivate grains, coffee and tropical fruits.