McLean et al. (2002) stated that rice has primary position as cereal crop and staple food crop for local community of Pakistan. Rice can provide and fulfilled the energy and protein requirement for human body.
Is rice bran suitable for commercial scale oil extraction?
The rice bran generally contains 15-20% oil. In this context, research work has been done to check the suitability of rice bran for commercial scale oil extraction in order to meet oil requirements of Pakistan. To explore alternative source of edible oil from rice bran.
Is rice bran edible oil?
However, there are some problems like high free fatty acids that create set back for its marketing as edible oil. During year 2010-11 Pakistan spent 3 billion US dollars for import of different vegetable oils and oil seeds, therefore, to save this foreign exchange, alternate sources have to be exploited. The rice bran generally contains 15-20% oil.
How much rice is produced in Pakistan?
Rice production of Pakistan reached around 7.5 million tons and it is cultivated on 2.6 m ha area. In 2017-2018, Pakistan gained $1.677 billion from exports of rice and 0.6% of national GDP and 3.1% of value-added services. Area under rice cultivation was 2793 thousand hectares with overall production of 7.442 m tons (Govt. of Pakistan, 2018).