How has the market for Sesame changed in Kilwa District?
As reported earlier, the market for sesame has improved dramatically in recent years compared with the past. Consequently, the acreage land size put under cultivation in Kilwa district rose from 1.9 acres in 1975 to 4.04 acres in 2014. The increase in production, especially since the mid-2000s, resulted from good market prices.
Where is Sesame grown in Tanzania?
Economics of Sesame Production and Land Use in Tanzania Sesame is one of the non-traditional cash crops for export in contemporary Tanzania. It is produced in Lindi and Mtwara regions. The crop is mostly grown in a separate farm or mixed with other crops in areas that originally were forests (Miya et al., 2012).
Are sesame farmers destroying the land in Tanzania?
However, the traditional shifting cultivation method practiced by many sesame farmers is severely damaging the land. Tanzania is one of the developing countries whose economy depend heavily on agriculture that comprises crop production, livestock keeping, forestry and hunting (MAFAP, 2013).
Does Tanzania have a potential in the sunflower oil sector?
Tanzania has great potential in the sunflower oil seeds sector, which can be scaled-up as one of its key sectors for industrial development.