Soybean is grown in high-rainfall areas in the western and north-western parts of Ethiopia. There is no significant irrigation in soybean farming. Value chain analysis of pulses and oilseeds from Ethiopia (October 2018) Page | 84. Pesticides and herbicides are used in soybean farming.
Is soy bean a good crop in Ethiopia?
Soybean is a multipurpose most nutritionally rich crop as its dry seed contains the highest protein and oil content among grain legumes with a good balance of the essential amino acids and oil. This study was conducted to analyze the trend of soy bean trade in Ethiopia.
How much soya meal is produced in Ethiopia?
After processing to remove the oil, about 80% remains as the soya meal; therefore it is calculated that there is about 60,000 to 90,000t of soya meal produced per year. It is reported that no by-products of soybean processing are exported (Hailu and Kelemu, 2014), so it all must be consumed within Ethiopia.
How to start a soybean oil production business?
In starting a soybean oil production business, the location plays a most important role. You must establish the unit nearby the soybean growing areas. Because you have to ensure the supply of soy seeds at your factory without spending much transportation cost. Otherwise, you won¡¯t be able to get the maximum profitability from the business.