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  • Is Ethiopia a good producer of legumes?
  • Ethiopia is also one of the top 10 producers and suppliers of total grain legumes in the world. Besides, legumes have been used for many years by Ethiopian farmers in crop rotation and intercropping to maintain soil fertility.
  • Should Ethiopia recognize the grain legume sector?
  • Therefore, Ethiopia should more recognize the grain legume sectors, promotes modern agronomic practices and improved legume technologies that boost the production and productivity. Grain legumes are multipurpose crops which offer smallholder farmers a multifaceted way to improve agricultural systems, household food security and economic returns.
  • What agro-ecology does Ethiopia have?
  • The country has diverse agro-ecology that permits different agricultural systems and production of different crops especially grain legumes. Grain legumes are Ethiopia¡¯s second most important group of crops, after cereals and contribute to smallholder crop production.
  • How many metric tons of grain legumes did Ethiopia export in 2016/17?
  • Further, Ethiopia exported 340,000 metric tons of grain legumes in 2016/17, earning 255 million USD of which dried kidney beans (haricot beans) were the top-exported grain legumes, accounting for about half of all export volume (USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, 2018 ).