Soybean was introduced in Pakistan as an oilseed crop during the early 1960s, but its cultivation remained limited until 1970s when adaptability and production trials conducted all over the county yielded promising results.
How much soybean oil is produced in Pakistan?
It is estimated that 2% of soybean production is consumed by humans directly as food, which amounts to an approximately 3 MMT. In Pakistan Soybean oil production increased up to 260 (Tons) in year 2017 as compared to 240 (Tons) in 2016. 2
What is soybean oil refining?
Soybean oil refining is to add edible phosphoric acid, sodium hydroxide, decolourisation active white clay and other process auxiliaries, after a series of processes to remove impurities and components affecting the colour, stability and flavour, to improve the quality, flavour and storage stability.
Which countries export soybeans from Pakistan?
The main destination of Soybeans exports from Pakistan are: Mozambique ($8.08M), Japan ($62.7k), Sri Lanka ($57.7k), Seychelles ($56.3k), and Afghanistan ($6.38k). The fastest growing export markets for Soybeans of Pakistan between 2021 and 2022 were Mozambique ($8.08M), Japan ($62.7k), and Sri Lanka ($57.7k).