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  • What is a tung tree?
  • Along with oil-tea tree (Camellia oleifera), walnut (Juglans regia) and Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum), tung tree is considered as one of the four major woody oil trees in China 1, 2. Tung tree grows fast, blossoms and yields fruits in three years due to its high efficiency of photosynthesis.
  • Do tung tree eudicots have IR-LSC and SSC borders?
  • The IR-LSC and IR-SSC borders of tung tree cp genome were compared to those of the five basal eudicots (J. curcas, M. esculenta, H. brasiliensis, B. sinica, and N. tabacum). In all plant species, the IRb/SSC borders extend into the ycf1 genes to create long ycf1 pseudogenes with variable length.
  • How is the chloroplast genome of a tung tree determined?
  • The numbers in each node was tested by bootstrap analysis with 1000 replicates. The entire chloroplast genome of tung tree was determined using the third-generation sequencing (PacBio RS II System) method and assembled with the chloroplast genomes of the other Euphorbiaceae plants using the cp genomes of J. curcas and M. esculenta as references.