Can indigenous vegetables improve health in Ghana?
The indigenous vegetables are a vital constituent of the West African diet, but underutilized and have limited documented research1. In this light, promoting consumption of indigenous vegetables among Ghanaians is key to improving the health of many.
What is the edible vegetable oils market in Ghana?
? Edible vegetable oils, including oilve oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, soybean oil, coconut oil, and other edible vegetable oils). This is the most valuable, detailed (COVID-19 updated) and comprehensive report about the Ghanaian edible vegetable oils market currently available!
Where to grow oil palm in Ghana?
The most suitable areas for oil palm cultivation in Ghana are in the Western, Central and Eastern Regions. Large oil palm plantations (nucleus estates and outgrowers) and processing mills are located in these regions.
What are the major oil palm plantations in Ghana?
Some of the large-scale plantations are Benso Oil Palm Limited (BOPP) and Norwegian Oil Palm Ghana Limited (NORPALM) in the Western Region, Twifo Oil Palm Plantation Limited (TOPP) in the Central Region, and the Ghana Oil Palm Development Company (GOPDC) at Kwae near Kade in the Eastern Region.