Will Indonesia use vegetable oil to produce biodiesel?
In Indonesia, the use of vegetable oil to produce biodiesel is projected to grow 23.2% to 7.9 million mt between 2021-2030, the report said, citing supportive domestic policies.
What crops are grown in Indonesia?
One of the major agricultural crops in Indonesia is oil palm, which has gained significant importance during the last 20 years (Qaim et al., 2020 ). In 2018, oil palm was cultivated in Indonesia on more than 14 million hectares of land, even exceeding the area grown with rice, the country’s main staple food (Indonesian Bureau of Statistics, 2019 ).
Does Indonesia grow palm oil?
Indonesia has seen a rapid expansion of oil palm cultivation in recent decades. The country is now the biggest palm oil producer and exporter worldwide. The crop is partly grown on large company plantations, but over 40% of the oil palm area in Indonesia is also managed my small- and medium-sized family farms.
How much palm oil will Indonesia produce in 2022/23?
Indonesia palm oil production is expected to reach 46 million metric tons (MMT) in 2022/23 on favorable weather and higher producer profit margins. Palm oil exports for 2021/22 are revised down from the previous update due to the Government of Indonesia¡¯s domestic market obligation (DMO) requirement, which increased to 30 percent from 20 percent.