the cotton seed oil processing plant new technology

the cotton seed oil processing plant new technology
  • the cotton seed oil processing plant new technology
  • How can genetic engineering improve cottonseed oil?
  • Conventional and non-conventional breeding approaches make cottonseed oil improvement feasible in term of oil contents, fatty acids composition, and modification of other nutritionally important components. Genetic engineering Genetic engineering is a quick and direct breeding tool for alteration of fatty acids profile.
  • What is cottonseed oil?
  • Cottonseed oil is the valuable byproduct extracted after seed cotton processing for lint. It confers a huge contribution to total vegetable oil production and ranked the 2nd to meet global edible oil requirements. Over centuries, breeders mainly focused to improve lint production and fiber quality.
  • What is the biosynthetic pathway of cottonseed oil?
  • The current understanding for the general biosynthetic pathway of cottonseed oil. The major constituent of cottonseed oil is triacylglycerols (TAG) that is comprised of three fatty acids esterified on a glycerol backbone.
  • Can genetics improve cottonseed quality?
  • A plethora of genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) (associated with cottonseed oil, fatty acids, protein and amino acids) have been identified, providing important information for genetic improvement of cottonseed quality.