cottonseed oil production plant turnkey projects in durban

cottonseed oil production plant turnkey projects in durban
  • cottonseed oil production plant turnkey projects in durban
  • What is cottonseed oil and why is it important?
  • Cottonseed oil is a valuable by-product of cotton, representing approximately 5.2% of world edible oil production and having the greatest commercial and income potential. It is the most valuable cotton by-product in price-to-weight terms, as stated in 'Unlocking the hidden value of cotton by-products in African countries' by UNCTAD.
  • Can African LDCs utilize cotton by-products?
  • African LDCs that produce cotton can realize benefits from using cotton by-products. A new project implemented jointly by the WTO, UNCTAD and ITC, with the support of the EIF, will be focusing on eight of these countries and targeting their use of cotton by-products. Here¡¯s how.
  • What are some viable cotton by-products in Africa?
  • Cotton by-products such as edible oil, animal feed, and heating fuel are viable in Africa. These provide additional income-earning opportunities for farmers, if investments are inclusive. Cotton is grown mainly for its fibre or lint, which is the raw material in cotton textiles.
  • Are cotton by-products sustainable in Africa?
  • Cotton by-products, such as edible oil, animal feed, and heating fuel, can provide sustainable income-earning opportunities for farmers in Africa. Diversification into these by-products can generate parallel activities for income generation and employment.