30 tph soybean seed oil production line of turkey project

30 tph soybean seed oil production line of turkey project
  • 30 tph soybean seed oil production line of turkey project
  • How much oil is in soybean seeds?
  • As a dominant oilseed, the oil content in dry soybean seeds averages around 19% and varies from 6.5% to 28.7% depending on the soybean varieties and growth conditions (Greenberg & Hartung, 1998). The yield of soybean oil accounted for nearly 60% of the world's oilseed production in 2019/2020 (SoyStats, 2022).
  • What is the outlook for global vegetable oil production compared to soybeans?
  • Global crush of other oilseeds as compared to soybeans is expected to grow in line with production by 21 Mt over the outlook period and to occur more often in the producing country. Global vegetable oil production depends on both the crush of oilseeds and the production of perennial tropical oil plants, especially palm oil.
  • What is soybean oil based on?
  • The yield of soybean oil accounted for nearly 60% of the world's oilseed production in 2019/2020 (SoyStats, 2022). Soybean oil mainly consists of high amounts of fatty acids (FAs), tocopherols and triacylglycerols (TAGs) (Joki et al., 2013).
  • What are the long-term implications of soybeans?
  • The long-term implications will depend on the speed of the economic recovery as vegetable oil consumption per capita grows strongly with economic growth and protein meal is used as feed in the more elastic animal production. Consumer concerns regarding soybeans stem from the high share of production derived from genetically modified seeds.