soybean seed oil complete production line in ivory coast

soybean seed oil complete production line in ivory coast
  • soybean seed oil complete production line in ivory coast
  • How oleic acid is found in soybean oil?
  • In 2011, Wagner et al. (2011) generated soybean oil comprised of 80% oleic acid and less than 10% PUFA through suppression of FAD2-1A gene by RNAi approach. Similarly, the increased in oleic acid content from 20% to 51.7% in transgenic soybean by using antisense mediated suppression of GmFAD2 ( Zhang et al., 2014 ).
  • How do biotechnological strategies increase seed oil yield?
  • Increase in oil yield through prolonging the period of oil biosynthesis It has been broadly studied the regulation of seed oil biosynthesis in plants, and numerous biotechnological strategies have been devised to enhance seed oil content.
  • Does DGAT1 increase soybean oil?
  • However, later in 2014, Wang et al. overexpressed S. indicum DGAT1 in soybean, which enhanced oil approximately 1.75 and 1.39 proportions in T2 and T3 transgenic soybean lines, respectively. Though, in this study the effect of protein was not reported.
  • Can genetic engineering improve oil yield in oilseed crops?
  • The last two decennary have been noticeable by numerous significant events in genetic engineering for identification of different gene targets to improve oil yield in oilseed crops. Particularly, genetic engineering approaches have presented major breakthrough in elevating oil content in oilseed crops such as Brassica napus and soybean.
  • What technology enables seed oil biosynthesis?
  • Moreover, current developments in the high-throughput technologies like genomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics and phenomics have led to the understanding of genes, gene network, regulatory factors and their interactions that direct seed oil biosynthesis ( Savadi et al., 2017 ).
  • How to increase oil yield in seed crops?
  • Furthermore, during the phase of seed maturation, by joining the prolonged oil biosynthesis duration along silencing of protein synthesis can be an effective approach to develop oil seed crops to attain tremendous increase in seed oil production ( Table 1 ). Table 1. List of multigene approaches implemented for enhancing oil yield in plants. 2.7.