turnkey project of soybean oil production line in malawi

turnkey project of soybean oil production line in malawi
  • turnkey project of soybean oil production line in malawi
  • What are the soybean yields in Malawi agro-ecological zones?
  • agro-ecological zones in Malawi. However, soybean yields are still low as farmers obtain 800 kg/ha on average against the potential yield of 2000-2500 kg/ha. Development and promo- 6 years, has signicantly enhanced productivity from 600kg/ha to 800kg/ha (See Figure 1).
  • Why is the soybean industry growing in Malawi?
  • The area under soybean production as well as productivity are increasing in Malawi due to government policies on value addition, domestic use and crop diversification. Consequently, there is a significant expansion of the soybean industry within Malawi and with substantial demand for export market.
  • How to fertilize a soybean plant in Malawi?
  • Until nodulation occurs, the soybean plant depends on soil nitrogen for growth. Phosphorus is often the most deficient nutrient; therefore, apply optimum phosphorous fertilizer for good yield. Apply phosphorus using 2×50 kg bags for hectare of 23:21:0 +4S compound fertilizer available in Malawi.
  • Is soybean a viable alternative food & cash crop in Malawi?
  • Soybean is increasingly becoming popular and serving as an alternative food and cash crop. The area under soybean production as well as productivity is increasing in Malawi due to gov-ernment policies on value addition, domestic use and crop diversification.