5-27t soybean seeds small oil pressing line in ghana

5-27t soybean seeds small oil pressing line in ghana
  • 5-27t soybean seeds small oil pressing line in ghana
  • How many workers a soybean oil press machine can control?
  • Due to its smart and reasonable design, only 2 or 3 worker is enough to control the whole production line. There are two types of oil press machine for setting up a mini or small soybean oil process plant: normal screw oil press and multifunction oil press machine.
  • How to choose a site for soyabean production?
  • 1.1 Site selection Land for soyabean production should have a well-drained soil, p ferably sandy-loam soil.The soil should have no hardpan to enhance water percolation and prevent flooding during heavy downpour as well as to allow easy penet tion by the plant roots.If possible, use a flat land or a land with a gentle slope to
  • How to plant soyabean seeds?
  • tified seeds for sowing.Treat seeds with fungicide (e.g., Captan, Apron Plus or Thiram) at the rate of one sachet per 8 kg seeds to control soil-borne pathogens or fungal iseases before planting.Use soyabean variet s resistant to diseases.For viral diseases, uproot and
  • How much grain can a soyabean farmer produce?
  • or 350 kg/acre or less).The goal of every soyabean farmer is to increase grain y ld for increased income.Farmers can increase their yield up to 2,000 kg/ha or 800 kg/acre (= eight 100 kg bags/acre) or more ¨C note that the potential yield for the main varieties ranges from 2,400 ¨C 3,500 kg/ha
  • Are there any quality inoculants available for soyabean seeds?
  • There are several qualityinoculants available for use on soyabean ¨C e.g., NoduMax-Plus and SariFix.It is important to inoculate soyabean seeds because the rhizobia that normally make soyabean to form nodules and fix nitrogen are naturally found in low amounts in most s
  • What should a farmer consider when choosing a soyabean plant?
  • erant to pests/diseases.In addition, a farmer may also consider the type of contract or market he/she is targeting to sell his/her soyabean grains when deciding on which variety to use for planting ¨C e.g., if the farmer is targeting/has a contract to sell the grains to a processor for oil, then a variety with seeds h