soybean crush plant

soybean crush plant
  • soybean crush plant
  • Why are soybean oil crush plant announcements so important?
  • Many of the crush plant announcements are being driven by the growth in renewable diesel. Demand for soybean oil to produce renewable diesel has started to grow and is projected to continue on that path. To produce extra soybean oil, crush capacity in the U.S. also must grow.
  • What is a crush spread in the soybean market?
  • One of the most common spread trades in the soybean market is the crush spread. Soybeans are processed into soybean meal and soybean oil through a process known as crushing. The crush spread is the difference between the value of soybeans and its byproducts, and is considered a gauge of the potential profit margin for soybean processors.
  • What is a soy crush trade?
  • This is the trade typically used by hedgers. Buying the crush, which is also known as the reverse crush, means buying Soybean Meal and Soybean Oil, and selling Soybeans. This may be used by traders who anticipate movements in the market that could make this strategy advantageous.
  • Where are soybean crushing plants located?
  • Figure 1 shows the location, size and status of the soybean crushing plants in the U.S. Crushing plants have historically been concentrated in two locations. The first is in the traditional, major soybean-producing region from Ohio west to Missouri and up north to Minnesota.