setting up a small sunflower oil mill plant in ghana

setting up a small sunflower oil mill plant in ghana
  • setting up a small sunflower oil mill plant in ghana
  • Are there any contractual arrangements for the production of sunflower oil?
  • There are no contractual arrangements for the production of sunflower oil in this business. The enterprise uses sunflower seeds of high quality from Dodoma, Singida and Iringa. This is the reason for producing high quality oil. However, the availability of sunflower seeds is limited, contributing to the low capacity utilisation of the facility.
  • How does a sunflower mill operate?
  • Sunflower mills offer a ready cash market for sunflower crops. A typical mill purchases several thousand dollars worth of sunflowers annually from around 650 farmers. The mills operate by processing sunflowers into oil. Other beneficiaries include schoolchildren who collect bottles for recycling, fuelwood suppliers, and local maintenance workshops that repair the mills.
  • How many litres of sunflower oil can a ram press produce?
  • With a ram press, about 18 litres of crude sunflower oil can be produced per day. The idea lived with her for at least two years, but once she had training she decided to start at a very small scale. Mr R is the owner and production manager of the oil mill.
  • What are Tanzanian sunflower seeds?
  • Tanzanian 'Record' and 'Peredovik' varieties are local sunflower seeds with a thin shell and a high oil content, making them ideal for processing at a small scale. Most of the raw material for this comes from Singida and Dodoma (in Tanzania). These sunflower seeds are soft and have a good oil content.