sunflower seeds oil extraction line with 50-60 tons in russia

sunflower seeds oil extraction line with 50-60 tons in russia
  • sunflower seeds oil extraction line with 50-60 tons in russia
  • Which extraction method is best for sunflower seeds?
  • Therefore, prepress solvent extraction, with the highest oil recovery yield, is the process method utilized today for the majority of the sunflower seed that is crushed globally.
  • Why are sunflowerseed exports down?
  • Sunflowerseed meal exports are down 463,000 tons to 7 million, mostly from Ukraine where production declines are greater. Global vegetable oil exports are down 540,000 tons to 86 million. Declines are skewed more to sunflowerseed oil reflecting the higher oil yields from crush and, consequently, larger production declines relative to soybean oil.
  • What is the evolution of sunflower seed production & acreage?
  • Evolution of sunflower seed world production (Million Tons, yellow bars) and acreage (Million ha, red bars) 1976-2018 (Source: Oil World, 2019). Evolution of oilseeds production 1975-2019. Evolution of the relative share of 10 oilseeds in Global production (Source: Oil World, 2019). Localisation of the sunflower production.
  • Where does sunflower oil come from?
  • The Oils and Fats Business produces sunflower oil from Russian raw materials only; we use cutting edge technologies at our 3 oil extracting plants ¨C in Bezenchuk, Atkarsk and Balakovo. Our sunflower oil is in demand both in Russia and abroad. Raw sunflower oil is exported to China, Turkey, India, Iran, Egypt and other countries.