edable oil plant in himalayan country in botswana

edable oil plant in himalayan country in botswana
  • edable oil plant in himalayan country in botswana
  • Are wild edible plants a good source of food in Botswana?
  • The plant-based traditional foods/dishes and beverages of Ramotswa village, Botswana, were investigated. The study generated 50 wild edible plants. The diversity of wild edible plants used shed light on their high potential for diet diversification and for food and nutrition security.
  • What is the economic value of edible wild plants in Botswana?
  • The economic value, potential for food and nutrition security of Botswana edible wild plants [15, 16, 17], wild vegetables , and medicinal importance for some indicated in this paper were described. Morula and mmilo (Vanguera infausta) were valuable sources of vitamin C, fibers, and minerals (K and Mg) .
  • What plants grow in Botswana?
  • Botswana is endowed with a variety of traditional food plants which grow annually despite erratic rainfall. The most common traditional food plants are leafy vegetables (for example, Amaranthus, Cleome, Conchorus and Vigna species) and indigenous fruits (for example, Azanza garckeana, Strychnos cocculoides, Sclerocarya birrea etc.).
  • Which edible oil plant has the highest oil content?
  • Oil-seed camellia, oil palm, olive, and coconut (Cocos nucifera) are the four well-known woody edible oil plants in the world, as they possess a high oil content. Among bulk herbaceous edible oils, the unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) are the highest, approaching 80%, in peanut oil and rapeseed oil.